Fur Harvesters Auction reports sharp advancements in prices for most major fur species in their most recent sale, held late last week. In fact, it went so well FHA is calling the auction “the most successful in the company’s history.”
The news release on the sale is posted below, followed by the full sale results:
FHA’s March 22-23, 2012 sale was the most successful in the company’s history, with most major species advancing sharply over January levels. All markets were active, with historical top prices for lynx cats and sable. China led the way, with strong support from Russia, Greece and Korea.
Beaver advanced 30% over January levels, wild mink were up 27%, otter increased by 21%, and muskrat by 18%. A strong resurgence was seen in the fisher market with prices doubling over January levels and all sections of red fox advanced, with the eastern section increasing by 19% and the northern section by 23%. Western lynx cats averaged an amazing $645, with almost 40 lots selling for more than $1,000 each, and the top lot selling at $1,700. Timber wolves sold at an overall average of $227.82. Sable were exceptionally strong, averaging almost $100 overall, with northern sections selling at an overall average of over $115, and premium prices being paid for 2X-1X heavy goods, topping at $380.
FHA wishes to thank our loyal shippers and the international trade for this record-breaking sale, which marks a resurgence in the wild fur market. We expect continued strong demand for all articles on our next sale, to be held May 20, 2012.