Cortland County Trappers of New York December 2013 Report

President — Bill Howe; 607-756-6763

Vice President — John Slocum; 607-849-6681

Secretary/Treasurer — Art Manz; 607-863-4534;

Newsletter Editor — Les Wedge; 607-749-3292;


Membership Options:

• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $20

• Individual membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $32


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

Cortland Country Trappers of New York

Secretary Art Manz

Box 14

Cincinnatus, NY 13040



The meeting was called to order by President Bill Howe at 5:00pm, Oct 20, 2013. The l50/50 was won by Butch Jenks and the trap donated by Howe’s Trapping Supplies was won by Jim Hickey. Club welcomed new member Russ Phelps.

Presidents list: Don’t forget IFH fur auctions on Dec 21 and Feb 22 at the Pompey R&G Club. General discussion on proposal to move our Rendezvous to Pompey. After the pros and cons were kicked around a motion was made by Jim Hickey and 2nd by Les Wedge that we keep the Rendezvous as it is but discuss at another time a possible date change. Motion carried unanimously.

Les Wedge discussed the Oct 26 trapper training course at McGraw.

The Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.

Shirley Howe has brought pizza tonight since we had no one bringing the eats. Thanks Shirley. Hugh will bring food for Nov and also volunteered to do a demo for us. Motion by Shirley, 2nd by Hugh to try to get Toby Edwards to attend our 2014 Rendezvous. Motion carried. He drew quite a crowd this year.

Ray Nolan made a complete report on the NYSTA recent meeting. Let me suggest that you make a point to be here for Ray’s reports. They are informative and complete. Ray will answer all your questions. Some of the points he touched on: Trapper training classes. NTA conv. will be in NY this year. He discussed the Trapper Camps that only cost 40.00 to attend. Trapping under attack all over the country, Ray discussed Montana in particular. Dave Miller is still working hard for us. Efforts still being made to keep the legislature’s nose out of Biologists business, and ours. Other topics included Snapping turtles, Cable restraints, NYSCC, coyotes, NYSTA by-law change, new info should get out to old trappers, how to do this was discussed. NYSTA has a raffle going on to help with expenses. Motion by Hugh McDonald, 2nd by Bill that we buy 10 raffle tickets from Ray. Carried. Treasurer will buy tickets from Ray.

Les Wedge discussed the Cayuga County Convention. DEC still studying Fisher, and would like you to bring them beavers also. Trail cameras put out resulted in 75% of the cameras getting pictures of Fisher. Fisher was found with Rabies in Norwich NY. BE careful.

Russ Phelps suggested that we figure how to get family more involved in Rendezvous. He would also suggest more skinning demos at event.

Dale Beckwith has state raffle calendars for next year. Still $20.00 and pay off every day. Dale noted that his Grandson has passed his Trapper Training Test.

Butch Jenks discussed our library. We have lots of outdated VCR stuff. Need to update.

Lance Smith noted that Russ is straining at the bit waiting for his Montana residence requirement to be met so he can get his mountain lion.

Motion to adjourn carried at 6:50pm

Respectfully submitted. — Art Manz


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