Connecticut Trappers Association February 2010 Report

President — Herb Sobanski Jr., 46 Douglas Drive, Enfield, CT 06082; phone: 860-741-0728; e-mail:

Vice President West — Fred J. Becker, 23 Riverside Dr. Apt. B2, Clinton, CT 06413; phone: 860-669-2847; e-mail:

Vice President East — Mike Cote, 50 Hopevalley Rd., Hebron, CT 06231; phone: 860-228-2404; e-mail:

Secretary /Treasurer — Danielle Madore, 819B Little City Rd., Higganum, CT 06441; phone: 860-345-1070; e-mail:

NTA Director — George Finch, 100 Allen St., Groton, CT 06340; phone: 860-445-2514

Membership Options:

• 1-year membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• 2-year membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $48
• 3-year membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $64
• 15-years and under — $10
• Lifetime — $350

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

CTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Danielle Madore
819B Little City Rd.
Higganum, CT 06441


Hello fellow CTA trappers. Hope everyone is finding time to enjoy nature. It sure is beautiful this time of the year. The snow and ice really decorate the woods up at times, and it’s so quiet and peaceful. As trappers required to check our sets every day, we get to see it change from day to day. That’s one of the things I really appreciate about fur trapping, having to be out there every day. We’re somewhat forced to get outside and live the good life. Nothing wrong with that as far as I’m concerned. Enough of my jawin’ about how lucky we are to be fur trappers. Let’s get down to business.

This is also the time of year to get the CTA road show division (you guys) in gear and headed down the road. The first stop is the “Northeast Fishing & Hunting Show” to be held at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford. Did you know that Hartford means deer crossing, hart being the Dutch word for deer or so I’ve read. The show runs from Friday, Feb. 26 through Sunday Feb. 28. The show hours are: Friday — noon to 8 p.m., Saturday — 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday — 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The next stop is the, “Springfield Sportsmen’s Show” at the Eastern States Exposition Grounds in West Springfield. The show runs from Thursday, Feb. 18 through Sunday Feb. 21. The show hours are: Thursday — 3 p.m. to 9 p.m., Friday — noon to 9 p.m., Saturday — 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday — 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

If any members want to help, please contact me at 860-668-4477 or, so I can schedule a time slot convenient for you. If you’re new to the CTA booth, I’ll schedule you with someone to help you get the feel of working the booth. It’s just a matter of being honest. We have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. If you’re not sure of something, confer with your booth partners or get contact information and get back to the interested party.

Too often we have too many trappers in the booth or nobody at all. Please let me know when you can be there to avoid the booth being empty. An empty booth just adds to the belief that the days of our fur-trapping heritage are coming to an end. Let’s not let that happen on our watch.

The CTA needs to be at these shows to share information and answer questions. Unfortunately, the general public and many of our fellow sportsmen are misinformed about the state of fur trapping. It’s up to us to set the record straight. You joined the CTA to be a member of an elite group of fur trappers dedicated to the betterment and continuation of our fur trapping reputation. Don’t be shy about helping out at the booth. All you have to know is the difference between a seal and a river otter, and a beaver and a muskrat. The rest will come naturally. Thanks for being a member of the Connecticut Trappers Association, Inc.

— Bob Andryzeck

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