Colorado Trappers Association November 2010 Report

President — Otis Latham, P.O. Box 61, Mesa, CO 81643; phone: 970-268-5554; e-mail:

Vice President — Penny Hardrick, 652 Aldrea Vista Court, Palisade, CO 81526; phone: 970-464-5059

Secretary/Treasurer — Cheryl Oleyar, 1362 Hillcrest Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80909; phone: 719-471-0739; e-mail:

Fur Auction Manager — Greg Ashmore, 38967 Country Road 24, Hugo, CO 80821; phone: 719-743-2552; e-mail:

Public Relations Director — Opal Watts, PO Box 29, Dumont, CO 80436; phone: 303-569-2953

NTA Representative — Otis Latham, PO Box 61, Mesa, CO 81645; phone: 970-268-5554;

Membership Options:

Membership dues including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller – $25

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

CTA Secretary/Treasurer
Cheryl Oleyar
1362 Hillcrest Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909


We all survived the rendezvous in New Castle, and the following weekend myself and Dick Hane attended the Utah Convention. I want to personally thank the Herrman family for everything they did to get the rendezvous in order. You guys did a wonderful job, and the location was beautiful. I think you pulled it off without a hitch. I’m sure I am missing people who helped, but thanks to those also. Cheryl will post the minutes of the meeting, so I wont need to go over those. Awards this year went to the following people. Trapper of the Year- Dan Gates. Junior Trapper of the Year- Nathan Schirer. Workhorse of the Year- Cheryl Oleyar. Wildlife Professional of the Year- Tom Remington (Director of CDOW). There were elections this year, President- which I accepted for another term.

And all five Directors remained as they were. Special thanks to the Gutierrez Family for cooking our dinner Saturday night, the Girl Scouts for being up early and feeding us everyday. Bob Thompson Asst. Chief of Law Enforcement DOW for being a special guest. DOW for allowing us the use of Garfield Creek State Wildlife Area. The vendors, Schroeder Fur Company and Bob Small cages, Petska Fur-Marty Baxter. Thank you Joey “ New Pencil” Herrman for doing a good job on the shooting contests.

As approved at the meeting, I have started the ball rolling on a couple of issues that those who attended the meeting are aware of. If interested in those items, you can call or e-mail me and I will give the specifics. This is not the place to discuss them. Just a note, that on the wolverine re-introduction, any re-introductions must be approved by the legislature, that comes after the lynx re-introduction program. Don Clifford has informed me that Miss Rodeo Colorado’s fur coat is finished, and they are seeing if she can receive earlier than normal.

Just a reminder, that Stock Show and Fur Auction will soon be sneaking up on us. Both of those can always use a substantial amount of help. If interested in helping on the Stock Show, be sure to contact Don Clifford. Or if interested in helping at Fur Auction contact Greg Ashmore. All indicators right now show that there is some interest in wild fur. At what level is yet to be seen, but as the seasons start, we will begin to get a idea of what it is going to be.
Best of luck in your fall big game hunting. Shoot straight.

— Otis Latham


President Otis Latham called the September 5, 2010, CTA Annual Meeting to order at 10:10 a.m., at the Rendezvous site at Garfield Creek near Newcastle, CO. A quorum was present.

The minutes of the February 7, 2010, membership meeting were read and approved as corrected. The General Fund report was read and filed. Rendezvous bills will be paid from the Raffle account. Members may request copies of financial reports by contacting Cheryl Oleyar.

Secretary-Treasurer Oleyar stated the current membership is at 203. The 2007, 2008, and 2009 tax returns were filed before May 15. Four donations have been received: $5 from Bill Ilchik, $10 from Cory Dunahue, $100 from Calp Furs for the Rendezvous Auction, and $307.85 from Moyle Mink & Tannery.

NE Regional Director Don Clifford will be making arrangements for the 2011 Rendezvous.

SE Regional Director Jim Hooks reported the auction Saturday night raised $3,015.50.

Wildlife Commission Liaison Opal Watts said the city of Basalt is threatening to close the Basalt shooting range and may demand an environmental impact study. This may happen in other locations around the state.

Bill Curns distributed the financial report from the Fur Auction. The building at the Lincoln County fairgrounds has been reserved for 2011. There was a good turnout at this year’s sale and the new computer and program helped a lot. It is hard to estimate how much tanned fur will be submitted in 2011, so the time for the auction of tanned items may need to be changed to accommodate large amounts. Good pictures of CTA events are needed for a laptop computer presentation for the Stock Show Booth.

Western Stock Show Booth Director Don Clifford should know by next month if we can have a second booth at the 2011 Show. He is obtaining bids on the manufacture of the fox coat for Miss Rodeo, which should be done by the end of September. A thank you letter was read from Jessica Gutierrez, a Bill Rogers Memorial Wildlife Scholarship recipient. Brianna Bromly is the other scholarship recipient.

Raffle Manager Dick Hane said ticket sales came to approximately $2,500, off about 35% from last year. Scholarships to the NRA Whittington Center were awarded to Nathan Schirer and Daniel Hasart. Nathan gave a report of his experiences at the Whittington Center.

An increase in CTA membership dues was discussed. The motion to increase dues $5 across the board beginning January 1st, 2011, was adopted.

The Bylaws Committee report was given by Cheryl Oleyar. Motions were adopted to amend the quorum number to 15 and to continue to hold the Rendezvous on Labor Day weekend. A vote on the adoption of the revised bylaws will be taken at the Spring membership meeting.

The motion was adopted that the seasons on furbearers be changed to October 1 to March 31, except for muskrats and beavers, which would be October 1 to April 31. Bobcats would remain unchanged.

Also adopted was a motion to set up a CTA Face Book page to provide free advertising for our association.

Because of a mix-up in elections of regional directors last year, President Latham suggested elections of those positions be held again. The terms will expire as stated in the bylaws. The following were elected by unanimous acclamation: President – Otis Latham, NE Director – Don Clifford, SW Director – Kevin Herrman, Metro Director – Gary Crawford, NW Director – Jim Hooks, SE Director – Spencer Bridges.

President Latham made the following appointments: Wildlife Commission Liaison – Opal Watts, Fur Auction Director – Greg Ashmore, Western Stock Show Booth Director – Don Clifford, Raffle Manager – Mary Gutierrez, Historian & FTA Representative – Marv Miller, NTA Colorado Director – Otis Latham.

The Fur Auction will be held February 10 – 11 at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Hugo, CO.

The Spring Membership meeting will be February 6, 11 a.m., at the Fur Auction site.

The meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.

— Cheryl Oleyar

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