President — Otis Latham, P.O. Box 61, Mesa, CO 81643; phone: 970-268-5554; e-mail:
Vice President — Penny Hardrick, 652 Aldrea Vista Court, Palisade, CO 81526; phone: 970-464-5059
Secretary/Treasurer — Cheryl Oleyar, 1362 Hillcrest Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80909; phone: 719-471-0739; e-mail:
Fur Auction Manager — Greg Ashmore, 38967 Country Road 24, Hugo, CO 80821; phone: 719-743-2552; e-mail:
Public Relations Director — Opal Watts, PO Box 29, Dumont, CO 80436; phone: 303-569-2953
NTA Representative — Otis Latham, PO Box 61, Mesa, CO 81645; phone: 970-268-5554;
Membership Options:
Membership dues including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller – $25
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA Secretary/Treasurer
Cheryl Oleyar
1362 Hillcrest Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Just a reminder. This will be my last report until after our fur auction. The fur auction will be held at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds in Hugo CO. Feb. 11 and 12. Furs being shipped must be recieved no later then Feb. 5 at 13385 Bradshaw Road Peyton CO 80831.
Furs will be taken at the door Feb. 6 and 7 only. If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of our consigners, Bill Curns at 719-749-2151 or Todd Fairchild at 970-856-1065. You can also contact me at 719-743-2552.
I hope to see everyone at our auction.
— Greg Ashmore