President — Otis Latham, P.O. Box 61, Mesa, CO 81645 phone: 970-268-5554; e-mail:
Vice President — Marvin D. Miller, 29156 Summit Ranch Dr., Golden, CO 80401; phone: 303-526-9207
Secretary/Treasurer — Paula Nall 515 E. Strohm,Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
Fur Auction Manager — Alan Nall, 515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
Public Relations Director — Opal Watts, P.O. Box 29, Dumont CO 80436; phone: 303-569-2953
NTA Southwest Regional Director — Marvin D. Miller, 29156 Summit Ranch Dr., Golden, CO 80401; phone: 303-526-9207
Membership Options:
• Membership dues including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
CTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Paula Nall
515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731
Hi everybody. Well, it’s that time of year again to start the trapping season. I hope everyone will have a successful fur season. FUR AUCTION, FUR AUCTION, FUR AUCTION. It’s never too early to think about where to sell the furs that you harvest.
Once again this year, the Colorado Trappers Association will be having it’s annual fur auction. The auction again will be held at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds in Hugo Colo. Last year’s auction was a success, having competitive prices and, in some cases, better prices than other fur auctions. We will work hard to get the best prices for your furs. We also have a lot of antlers, bears, mountain lions, etc.
The auction will be held Thursday, Feb. 11 and Friday, Feb. 12. The tanned fur, antlers and bears will sell Thursday and the raw fur will sell Friday. Furs that are coming to the auction will be accepted at the door Feb. 6 and 7 only.
If furs are shipped, they need to be properly stretched and dried, and received no later than Feb. 5 at 13385 Bradshaw Road Peyton CO 80831. If you have any questions, you can contact one of our agents: Bill Curns — 719-749-2151 or Todd Fairchild — 970-856-1065. You can also give me a call: Greg Ashmore — 719-743-2552.
Once again, best of luck this season and we hope to see you at the sale as a buyer or a seller.
— Greg Ashmore