Vice President — Penny Hardrick, 652 Aldrea Vista Court, Palisade, CO 81526; phone: 970-464-5059
Secretary/Treasurer — Cheryl Oleyar, 1362 Hillcrest Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80909; phone: 719-471-0739; e-mail: c.oleyar@comcast.net
Fur Auction Manager — Greg Ashmore, 38967 Country Road 24, Hugo, CO 80821; phone: 719-743-2552; e-mail: ashmore@esrta.com
Public Relations Director — Opal Watts, PO Box 29, Dumont, CO 80436; phone: 303-569-2953
NTA Representative — Otis Latham, PO Box 61, Mesa, CO 81645; phone: 970-268-5554;
e-mail: latham@gvii.net
Membership Options:
Membership dues including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller – $25
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA Secretary/Treasurer
Cheryl Oleyar
1362 Hillcrest Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Just returning home from attending the Western National in Rock Springs, WY. And what a Western it was, the WY guys did a great job. Facilitys were great, the members helped the vendors, plenty to do and see. Colorado was well represented, I think we counted 22 members.
On the home front. Rendezvous is quickly approaching, and things are falling into place nicely according to the Herrmans. It will be located in New Castle, CO. on the Garfield Creek State Wildlife Area. Labor Day weekend, Sept. 4-6. Im not aware of everything going on, but demos and BBQ/Auction on Saturday. Sunday is fall meeting, shooting contests, award ceremonys.
I am looking for nominations for Trapper of the Year, Workhorse of the Year, Wildlife Professional of the Year, and Junior Trapper of the Year. We need more participation in this, you can mail them to me, or hand them to me at the rendezvous. Also we do have elections at this meeting. President, and all Directors will have elections. We have to have elections for all Directors to get back on track because of a over-sight of mine a year ago. I might add that the fall meeting will be a bit lengthy. There are several things we need to discuss, and one of great importance is going over amending our by-laws, so that will take a bit of time. Just fair warning you, you all know I can be long winded.
As a reminder, Schroeder Fur Company will once again be attending our rendezvous. John and Colleen ask that you pre-order cages so they know exactly what to bring, and saves on fuel costs. They can be reached at 308-381-2077. Todd Fairchild can be reached at 970-856-1065 and he will be taking orders for the Schroeders also. Briarpatch Lures out of AZ will also be attending our rendezvous for the second time. Bob will have cages he manufacturers and lure. Bob Small can be reached at 623-203-1451. I will be bringing a few stretchers with me, I ask that if there is something you need to call me so I have time to make them. I do have a new adjustable marten stretcher available, for what its worth. Hope to see you all there this year, the site is close enough to town for snacks, fuel and such. Shoot straight!
— Otis Latham
The rendezvous is Sept. 4 thru 6 in Newcastle, Colorado. It is a beautiful part of Colorado. You get there by exiting I-70 at exit 105. Head South, turn right (west) at the first stop sign on to River Road (County Road 335), continue for approximately 2.5 miles. Turn left (south) onto Garfield Creek Road (County Road 312). The Rendezvous will be held 2 to 5 miles up Garfield Creek Road. Look for the CTA signs for directions from there. You are encouraged to support the cook shack while you are there and the bar-b-que. If you are interested in giving a demonstration, please let me know — 970-216-0524. See you there.
— Penny Hardrick