President — Opal Watts, P.O. Box 29, Dumont, CO 80436; phone: 303-569-2953; fax: 303-569-0121; e-mail:
Vice President — Marvin D. Miller, 29156 Summit Ranch Dr., Golden, CO 80401; phone: 303-526-9207
Secretary/Treasurer — Paula Nall 515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
Fur Auction Manager — Alan Nall, 515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
Public Relations Director — Alan Nall, 515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
NTA Southwest Regional Director — Marvin D. Miller, 29156 Summit Ranch Dr., Golden, CO 80401; phone: 303-526-9207
Membership Options:
• Membership dues including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
CTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Paula Nall
515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731
Well, we all lived through a roller coaster ride of a fur market. After seeing the final results from sales around the west, Colorado fur harvesters should feel blessed at averages we recieved at the Colorado sale.
March 12 saw myself and other members in Denver for the Wildlife Commission meeting. The Citizens Petition was presented to the Wildlife Commission and I gave the Executive Summary to the petition. Claude Oleyar and Marv Miller gave testimony.
After testimony and discussion, Commissioner Farris (who represents non-consumptive users) made a motion to deny the petition, but she was unable to get a second, so the motion was denied. She later asked for a motion to “check status” of the seven species and the motion was moved. I might add that Director Remington made a statement of what he thought staff recommendations would be. Mr. Oleyar stated in his testimony “Article 1:33-1-101(1)CRS states in part the policy of the State of Colorado is to offer the greatest possible variety of wildlife opportunity to the people.”
Director Remington reiterated this statement again to the Wildlife Commissioners. He also added that the USFWS has done a couple of studies on swift fox and has proven that they are plentiful in the State. So, to keep a long story short, this saga has been continued until the grand Junction Wildlife Meeting on May 7. Also, if you would like to see a copy of the petition, it is available on the CDOW Web site.
A “issues submittal form” was presented to the Commission that same day. It states “Should the bobcat regulation be changed to require that the person that took the bobcat(s) personally present for inspection and sealing and should it be illegal to sell, buy, trade or barter an untanned bobcat pelt that has not been tagged/sealed.” Since most of us were under the assumption that this was a regulation anyway, it was approved.
That’s it from my side of the mountain. If you have any questions about the petition give me a call. Also kudos to the following people for attending the Commission meeting. Marv Miller, Claude Oleyar, Don Clifford, Opal Watts, Gary Crawford, Chris Jurney.
— Otis Latham
Rendezvous!!! 9/4/09 thru 9/7/09 at the Maverick Ranch, Kim, Colorado.
From the north come south on Highway 109 about 25 miles from Highway 50 at LaJunta to 0.2 miles past mile marker 33 to County Road E. Turn right, west, and go about 5.3 miles on it and Cnty. Rd. 177.9. It just changes name somewhere in there. Turn south on Cnty. Rd. 193.5 for 6 miles. That road runs mostly south and Cnty. Rd. 187.1 goes straight west from where it turns straight south for 1.7 miles to site. All these turns will be well marked with CTA signs.
This is close to the 2005 site, but down the hill 13 miles and probably less muddy if it rains. It is flat, very few cactus and water right there. Should be a great time when I get all the events set up. If you want to present, let me know. It is a great place for grey fox and bobcat trapping. From the south, come north on Highway 109 about 8 miles from Kim and turn west on 54 Road about 0.2 miles and turn north on 193.5 road. This will continue about 17 miles to the 187.1 road and turn west to the site. The Gutierrez’ are handling the set up, will have ice and the barbecue. They will have the kitchen set up, but this is Mary’s last year. Maybe the “kids” can take over?
Some of us decided it was time for younger people. Vernon has two new knees and I have a half a one. The vice president’s job will be open as well as the NTA director’s. The other officer will be the secretary/treasurer. The directors up for election will be North East, South West and Metropolitan. Let’s have a little competition this time.
The NTA convention will be the 50th Anniversary at Lima, Ohio, July 30 through Aug. 2, 2009. The NTA Western Convention will be at Lewistown, Montana, Sept. 18 through 20, 2009. Please make plans to attend the Western. Next year, it will be in Rock Springs, Wyoming, hardly five hours drive?
The petition to replace the species removed in 1995, except eastern spotted skunk, will be heard in Grand Junction in May and could pass then. If not, we feel good about final approval in July and we would be able to hunt and trap those species this fall season!
One of our charter members, Ed Mielkus, died in Maryland last week. He was our second historian before moving back east. He was the ultimate turkey hunter doing the grand slam in the U.S. several times and one or two African Safaris also.
— Marvin D. Miller
After our February sale, we were happy with the prices paid for most of the items. Now, after seeing the prices paid at sales since then, it has became clear that our sale was excellent. Several people have called and asked if I would put the averages in the trapper, so here they are: Coyote: $18.46, Beaver: $18.10, Red Fox: $15.62, Raccoon: $14.54, Badger: $12.81, Skunk: $7.85. I left bobcat for last for a reason. We get a wide variety of bobcats from various regions that vary greatly in quality. If using I-25 as a dividing line, those ’cats West of there sold with an average of right at $200 each. Those from East of there sold with an average of about $85 each.
I’ve talked to several fur takers that either sold all of their fur through another outlet or only sold part of their fur with us. Each of them have expressed that they believe they would have received higher averages through our sale. That says a lot about our reputation and our ability to attract a diverse group of buyers. As you are preparing for the next season, please keep us in mind. We will once again do our best to get you top dollar for your hard earned collection of fur. Please remember we specialize in great service, low fees and quick turnaround.
Finally, I am looking for consignment agents to represent our auction. I would really like to find representatives for Kansas, Nebraska and Wyoming. I wouldn’t say no to someone wanting to work in other surrounding states either. If you would like to inquire, please get in touch with me.
— Alan Nall