President — John Clark, 907 Holmes Flat Rd., Redcrest, CA 95569; phone: 707-722-4259
Vice President — James C. Schmerker Jr., P.O. Box 1166, Bethel Island, CA 94511; phone: 925-684-3855; e-mail:
Membership Secretary — Rita Clark, 907 Holmes Flat Rd. Redcrest, CA 95569; phone: 707-722-4259
Secretary — Leona Hencratt Treasurer — Walter Hawering, 900 Hillgate Rd., Arbuckle, CA 95912
Membership Options:
• Family membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription — $15
• Lifetime membership — $300
• Subscription cost for life members — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA, Membership Secretary
Rita Clark
907 Holmes Flat Rd. Redcrest, CA 95569
Howdy, folks. Hope you are well.
The lawsuit hits the courtroom Dec. 8; we need another $20,000 to cover projected costs. Please be as generous as you can with the lawsuit fund. I know the holidays are here, but a win in court would be among the best presents of all. Can’t think of a present for the trapper on your list? Donate in their name. Just think: No shopping, how easy! We, and they (hopefully), will thank you for it. I could joke about donating for spouses you are mad at, but shall refrain, ahem.
Things are crazy as usual here in the big city. I finally joined the 21st century and got a service for my carcass dump instead of the ranches I worked coyotes on. The cost? $ 400 to $ 800 per month. Fortunately, the more you catch means the more money to pay the bill. This is pointless info to most of you, but if anybody was curious, that’s what it costs in the Bay Area to empty a freezer or two. That’s it.
Lots of good-looking animals out there; I hope your stretchers contain some of them. We will have the fur sale info as soon as John nails down a date for one.
If you try to catch wild pit bulls in cages, make sure they are VERY sturdy; they can chew out pretty darn quick (duh!), as I found out.
Merry Christmas to all.
— James C Schmerker, Jr.