President — John Clark, 907 Holmes Flat Rd., Redcrest, CA 95569; phone: 707-722-4259
Vice President — James C. Schmerker Jr., P.O. Box 1166, Bethel Island, CA 94511; phone: 925-684-3855; e-mail:
Membership Secretary — Rita Clark, 907 Holmes Flat Rd. Redcrest, CA 95569; phone: 707-722-4259
Secretary — Leona Hencratt Treasurer — Walter Hawering, 900 Hillgate Rd., Arbuckle, CA 95912
Membership Options:
• Family membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription — $15
• Lifetime membership — $300
• Subscription cost for life members — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA, Membership Secretary
Rita Clark
907 Holmes Flat Rd. Redcrest, CA 95569
Hello, folks,
Sorry to say, fur sale was cancelled due to the weather. My house was opened up and, with the storm a-stormin’, I had to button things up at home. I hope your Valentine’s Day was more typical than that.
This will not print in time, but the alternate fur sale shall happen March 28 at a yet-to-be-determined location. We will have contacted you by mail with specifics before than (I hope), so you will have had a chance to attend.
Lawsuit is proceeding and should be in court from September to October, as things appear as of now.
Rendezvous should be April 18-19, same location as last year; this also will be in your mailbox rather than T&PC.
Happy trappin’
— John Clark