President — John Clark, 907 Holmes Flat Rd., Redcrest, CA 95569; phone: 707-722-4259
Vice President — James C. Schmerker Jr., P.O. Box 1166, Bethel Island, CA 94511; phone: 925-684-3855; e-mail:
Membership Secretary — Rita Clark, 907 Holmes Flat Rd. Redcrest, CA 95569; phone: 707-722-4259
Secretary — Leona Hencratt Treasurer — Walter Hawering, 900 Hillgate Rd., Arbuckle, CA 95912
Membership Options:
• Family membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription — $15
• Lifetime membership — $300
• Subscription cost for life members — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA, Membership Secretary
Rita Clark
907 Holmes Flat Rd. Redcrest, CA 95569
Howdy all, the rendezvous was fine. We talked about many things, especially about how to encourage new membership. We all agreed that, should we get soft-catch footholds back, it will do incredible things for our state above and beyond the predator control aspects. Folks just like to use effective, humane equipment.
And, about the lawsuit, I want to thank everybody for their donations. Things are proceeding as well as we can hope. And we’re gonna start the drumbeat now. I know a lot of you folks miss the rendezvous ‘cause the whens and the wheres were unclear. Well, here goes: The time will be the third weekend in April 2010. The location will be the same as the last couple. That is, at Bella Vista and Dry Creek in Shasta County. It was not too dry and not too hot; couldn’t ask for a better location, so, if you can, try to put aside that time next year. Can’t say we didn’t give ya enough advance warning this time.
We will, of course, revisit this subject throughout the year. Hope y’all had a great season, and we will talk at ya soon.
— John Clark
Hello everybody!
Hope you all had a good season. Things have been way down on the nuisance front; as animals don’t have economic downturns, I figure that folks must be hunkering down, not spending, putting up with ‘coon noises and skunk smells.
Saw some pretty fur at the sale. Louie brought in some nice fox and ’cats; I suppose that most fur from California is entering the market through venues in other states. If you trappers have the time (yeah, right!), drop me a line or card with your braggable totals and we will let folks know fur does come from California!
Remember to mail your renewals to CDF&G; it’s a chore if you forget.
Have a good summer.
— James C. Schmerker Jr.
The California Trappers will be holding their rendezvous on April 18 and 19, 2009 at the Bear Mountain Men camp of Dry Creek Road in Bella Vista, CA. The place of the event is northeast of Redding, CA. You will take the exit off I-5 to 299 E. Bella Vista, CA. There will be a stop light at the MYTIFine grocery store, go through and turn left on Dry Creek Road. It is quite a ways out there, will be signs and you will go through a gate and on dirt road to camp. Bring water and something for the potluck on Saturday night. We will have a raffle so we would like donations. The lawsuit is going quite well. We hope to have a court date by December.
Butch Carley had a great time on the pig hunt he won on the raffle. He went with Dan Davis of Open Hills Outfitters. Butch got a nice pig. Vern Berglin donated his hunt to Ashley Hastings of Shafter, CA. Thank you Vern. Sorry to hear Dan Campbell had an accident and was unable to go on his bear hunt. Thanks to Jim Pierce of Edna Valley Outfitters. He is going to take Dan next year.
For more information, you can call John Clark at 707-722-4259. Send your donations to the lawsuit fund, 22058 Brundage Road, Palo Cedro, CA 96073.
— Leora Hencratt