President — Gary Helms, 1092 Vanderbilt Rd., Texarkana, AR 71854; phone: 870-772-3834; e-mail:
Vice President — Aaron Hitchcock, 9331 Sister Ln., Mulberry, AR 72947; phone: 479-997-8401
Secretary/Treasurer — Karen Davis, 1350 Hwy 70 E, DeQueen, AR 71832; phone: 870-642-3674
NTA Director — Mike Fischer, 13823 Masoner Rd., Lonsdale, AR 72087; phone: 501-939-2325
Editor — Bill Fields, 543 Riverbend Rd., Mammoth Spring, AR 72554; phone: 870-625-7457; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription — $25
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
ATA, Secretary/Treasurer
Karen Davis
1350 Hwy 70 E, DeQueen, AR 71832
It’s been a hot summer so far down here in the Southwest corner of the state! I hope everyone’s keeping cool as best they can, and staying hydrated…don’t want to lose any of our members to the heat before our Fall convention at Petit Jean in September. The dates for that, by the way, are Sept. 10 & 11, 2010. I plan to have all of the info on it in next month’s report. Be sure and reserve your rooms and campground spaces now, before you forget. the phone number for Mather Lodge is 1-800-264-2462. For campground reservations call 501-727-5441. There are also hotels available in nearby Morrilton. For additional info, check out our website @ or call Gary Gray @ 870-246-3229 or Charlie Bass @ 870-612-5347.
Keep in mind that this is an election year for us. All Officer positions and three At-Large Director positions are up. Nominations and an election will be held during our general membership meeting after lunch. Don Wilcox also needs your nominations for Trapper Of The Year and Mr. & Mrs. Trapper Of The Year. Please get those to him as soon as possible @ 479-997-8559. Plaques have to be made up ahead of time and presented at the convention.
Our Trapper Education Workshop will be held on October 29-31, 2010 at Camp Clearfork. The deadline for registration is October 15th. You can go to our website and print off a registration form to fill out, or write your information on a sheet of paper and send it along with your check or money order to Wallace Funderburk.
2010 Arkansas Trappers Association Trappers Workshop
Sponsored by Arkansas Trappers Association, Southwest Arkansas Fur Takers, Arkansas
Game and Fish Commission, and North American Fur Auctions
Check In: 5pm Friday, October 29, 2010
Check Out: by 1pm Sunday, October 31, 2010
Location: Camp Clearfork, US Forest Service Facility
(20 miles west of Hot Springs, Arkansas on US Hwy 270 W)
Land Trapping, Water Trapping, Fur Marketing, Fur Handling, Ethics and Safety, Snaring and much, much more.
Lodging in Rustic Cabins and Meals are included in the cost
Camping facilities and motels are available nearby
Groups (Scouts, 4-H, etc) are welcome
Cost: Up to age 18 – $10.00, age 19 and over $20.00
For more information, call Wallace Funderburk at 870-867-2642
Reservations must be received by Friday, Oct. 15, 2010
Make Reservations Early, Space is Limited!
Name: ____________________________________
Age: ________
Address: ____________________________________
City: ________________________State: ________
Zip: ____________
Phone: _________________________
Arrival: Fri PM ___ Sat AM ____
Have you previously attended an Arkansas Trappers Workshop? Yes __________ No ___________
Will you be staying in cabins? Yes ______ No ______
Please list all names, ages and addresses in your group on a separate page
Mail reservations to:
Arkansas Trappers Workshop
c/o Wallace Funderburk
6409 Hwy 270 E
Mount Ida, Arkansas 71957
If you’d like to attend, and have any questions, give Wallace a call. He lives very close by and knows the surrounding area very well. He’ll be happy to help you!
Until Next Month.
— Gary Helms
With all of the hot temperatures we have gotten lately, it seems like summer has been around since the ending of trapping season. The thermometer that I have has registered over the 100-degree hark for six days during the past couple of weeks and there still remains a few days left in the month of June. My old body has had a little trouble adjusting to it. I find myself already yearning for the cooler days of fall. I have been trying to make some repairs on my house. With all this heat, I have gone to short periods in the mornings and again in the evenings. I am making progress though.
The majority of fur made advances at NAFA however, raccoons were a bit disappointing. There were enough items that didn’t sell to perhaps warrant a Sept. sale this year. Those muskrats were certainly a hot item and I think that this trend should continue. I feel that cats and otter will continue to climb. I hope so because I sure do like trapping them. I hope to dry several in my new fur shed this winter. I sure do thank “John Moore” for the help he supplied into making that fur shed a reality.
I have heard a lot of good fishing reports this spring. A lot of walleye and catfish caught in both the lakes and rivers. Plenty of rain helped to wash needed nutrients into the water making it a good year. My brother came over last week and we fished Spring River for a couple of days and caught some nice fish. We released most but kept enough for a good family fish fry. Doing things like this helps pass the time until cooler weather and the nearness of trapping season. All for now.
— Bill Fields