President — Rick Van Horn, 4185 N. Irving Street, Kingman, AZ 86409; phone: (928) 757-3860; e-mail:
Vice President — Mike Burris, 5452 E. Farmdale Avenue, Mesa AZ, 85206; phone: (480) 654-1411; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — Mike Huffer, 7720 E. Beatrice, Scottsdale, AZ 85257; phone: (480) 970-5904; e-mail:
Treasurer — Mike Hull, P.O. Box 3355, Chinle, AZ 86503; phone: (928)674-9542; e-mail:
Membership Secretary — Amanda Prosser, P.O. Box 4111, Chino Valley, AZ 86323; phone: (928) 499-2114; e-mail:
Fur Auction manager — Bill Strauss, P.O. Box 183, Seligman, AZ 86337; phone: (480) 375-1183
NTA Director — Cindy Seff, P.O. Box 762, Seligman, AZ 86337; phone: (480)390-0723; e-mail:
Scent Post — Winter/Duncan Davis, P.O. Box 86783, Phoenix, AZ, 85080; phone:(623)466-6799; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Adult membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 16) with subscription — $20
• Family membership with subscription — $35
• Oldtimer membership with subscription — $75
• Lifetime membership with subscription — $275
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
ATA, Membership Secretary
Amanda Prosser
P.O. Box 4111, Chino Valley, AZ 86323
Phone: (928) 499-2114
Hello Everyone,
I hope your holidays were happy and safe, ours were. I have lived in Arizona for over 25 years and I have never seen it snow this early or this long. It will make for a good green spring, but as far as trapping, it feels like northern New Mexico, the southern tip of the Rocky mountains, where I am from. I had forgotten about chopping out frozen ground with a hatchet and pushing snow with your bumper.
I drove by the cemetery in our town yesterday and the weight of the snow on the limbs of the trees was too much. A lot, a very lot, of limbs were broken and down.
As of this writing (28 Dec), winter is only one week old. I have been able to trap a couple of ’cats out around our cabin, but it has been rough.
I just got off the phone with fur manager, Bill Strauss, we have buyers for the sale and it will happen. Bill has done everything he can possibly do to make this happen so now it is up to you to bring your fur to the sale to make it continue. Do not blame Bill for the low fur prices. If you don’t bring your pelts to our sale, the blame lies on you and as we all know, prices are down due to the world economy and that is beyond anybody’s control. It is what it is.
One of the founders of the Arizona Trappers Association, as well as a past President, Frank Riggs told me years ago that furs are only worth what someone is willing to pay you. Last year was a very good year, this year might not be, but to continue we have to drive on and suck it up and not give up!
Please renew your membership in the Arizona Trappers Association, as well as, the National Trappers Association.
See ya at the fur sale.
— Rick Van Horn
Dear ATA Members,
This month, I have renewed the following members: Wayne Smith, Ross Jones and Thomas Drummond. If anyone has any questions about your membership please contact me.
Thank you.
— Amanda Prosser
Hi Folks,
Well, here we are in the middle of December and it is getting cold. I’ve talked to some buyers and according to what they are saying, prices might be low this year, but we’ll still be selling fur. The buyers are waiting on a fur sale “overseas” and then they can figure out the market better.
My wife, Marie and I have 27 foxes so far, but we pulled out about a week ago to let the archery hunters have the woods for their season. We will go back in mid December, when they’re gone and we’ll reset our traps. Marie had a big set of spots scare her the other day. If you guys can imagine, you park your truck, grab your bags and she goes one way and I go the other.
Well, here I was about two thirds of the way and out of nowhere came this real squeaky scream. I‘ve been wanting to teach her how to call cow elk and I think I just found out how! It seems that when she walked down to check out her sets, a ’cat came out from under a log, which made for a good start of the day. I guess it’s just the thrill of being out with the animals on a nice brisk morning that I love so much.
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and Christmas. With the economy the way it is, it’s making it real hard to do what you normally do.
Well, until next time, you take it easy and remember our fur sale. I hope to see you all there.
— Bill Strauss
Not much news this month with the holiday season in full swing. Sometimes no news is good news.
The 2009 Western NTA Regional Convention will be held in Lewistown Montana Sept. 18 to 20.
As for a reminder, the SE will be in Williamstown, NC on May 1 to 3. The NE Regional will be in Pittsfield, PA on May 8 to 10. Watch the NTA Web site for additional information.
The NTA is currently looking for anyone who might be interested in sponsoring the plaques for the trap setting contests and or the traps for those plaques. We will need sponsors for all three 2009 NTA Regional Conventions as well as the 50th Anniversary NTA National Convention. Anyone interested can contact our Convention Coordinator, Dan Skurski, at 231-938-4432.
Remember, this year is election year for president and general organizer. Please send your ballot in this summer when you receive them. Every vote counts! Those nominated and accepted nominations are for president: Kraig Kaatz and Bruce Hutton and general organizer: Todd Roggenkamp.
The link to the NTA Web site is: Stop by and visit for current information as well as contact info for your national organization.
I will finish this newsletter off with the request that if you are not a member of the NTA, please get yourself signed up. You can send your $30 for your year’s subscription to the NTA, which includes the American Trapper magazine to:
National Trappers Association, 2815 Washington Ave., Bedford, IN. 47421.
I am only a phone call away so don’t hesitate to contact me with concerns or comments.
Catchcha Next Time.
— Cindy Seff