President — Charlie Rath, 1501 Shelby Forest Lane, Chelsea, AL 35043; phone: 205-678-6146
Vice President — Scott Wilson, 16291 Evans Road, Athens, AL 35611; phone: 256-565-4451; e-mail: Scott_wilson68@yahoo.com
Secretary/Treasurer — Bob Crane, 15295 Gainsville Road, Ralph, AL 35480; phone: 205-339-0081
Recording Secretary — Mike Flohr, 297 Kingfisher Road, Greensboro, AL 36744; phone: 334-507-2537
NTA Director — Jackie Malone, 11153 Crocker Dr., Tuscaloosa, AL 35405; phone: 205-366-9604
Membership Options:
• Family membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ATPCA Secretary/Treasurer
Bob Crane
15295 Gainsville Road
Ralph, AL 35480
I am writing this article just prior to leaving for the NTA’s 51st Meeting and Sport Show in Marshfield, Wisconsin. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending the ATPCA Fall Rendezvous on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at The Club of Fosters at McDaniel Field, Fosters. AL, which is located 1 mile north of Fosters, Alabama on Route 11. Current ATPCA members will be receiving a rendezvous flyer in the mail the first week of September.
Tim Ross from KKAC Trapping Supplies will be at our rendezvous. If you have specific items that you would like Tim to bring to the convention, please contact him in advance so that he can try to fill your order. This way he can have your order ready for you to pick up when you arrive at the rendezvous. Tim can be reached through the internet at www.twross@windstream.net, or 1076 Highway 128, Sparkman, AK 71763 or by telephone at (870) 678-2874. To reduce confusion, it would be best to send Tim an email or a printed list of your trapping needs. This will help ensure you that he will have your supplies and save you the cost of shipping.
Friday will be devoted to setting up the rendezvous and the Board of Director’s meeting at 7:00pm. The ATPCA membership is welcome to attend the meeting and observe the proceeding. At the BOD meeting, the Board will be formulates proposals/recommendations for the General Membership meeting on Saturday. The membership will be given an opportunity to ask questions and/or present proposals at the membership meeting. The positions of President and Recording Secretary are up for election, two year terms. In addition, the Treasurer’s position is open, one year term. Bob Crane volunteered to be the interim Treasurer until a person is elected. We need individuals to step up and run for these positions if you want the ATPCA to remain a viable entity.
Again this year the ATPCA will be raffling off a Savage Model 93/SS 17 HMR, Bolt Action rifle at the fall rendezvous. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6/$5.00. You do not need to be present to win. Current ATPCA members will be receiving tickets with their rendezvous flyer.
Jackie Malone will have a new supply of the NTA Cookbooks at a cost of $10.00.
Membership renewal notice, please mail the two copies of your renewal notice that you received from the T&PC Magazine along with your payment to Bob Crane, ATPCA Treasurer as soon as you receive it. If you procrastinate, you could miss an issue of the T&PC.
— Charlie Rath